Articles by Staff Reporter
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Liu Xiaobo, Chinese dissident who won the Nobel Peace Prize while in prison, dies at age 61

Liu Xiaobo, Chinas most high-profile dissident, has died aged 61. Liu played a central role in the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests. Later, he spent 21 months in prison. He also lost his job as a lecturer and his books were banned. He was most recently arrested in 2008 for initiating Charter 08, a petition calling for democracy and an end to censorship. He was convicted for inciting subversion and sentenced to 11 years in prison. In 2010 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize while locked away. Liu was diagnosed with terminal liver cancer in May. Under international pressure, the Chinese government allowed Liu to go on medical parole, but under constant surveillance. World leaders had urged China to allow Liu to travel overseas to receive medical care. Jul 14, 2017

Hope at the Natural History Museum as spectacular blue whale skeleton revealed

The Natural History Museums iconic main entrance, which has for years displayed a huge dinosaur skeleton known as Dippy, has had a major overhaul and now houses Hope, the blue whale. The museum is hoping to bring to light our effect on the planet as humans and they think Hope is the perfect way to do this. Jul 14, 2017

Navy rescue elephant dragged out to sea in Sri Lanka

The wild elephant was dragged out to sea by the strong currents on 11 July in Kokilai, Sri Lanka. A six-hour rescue operation then got under way to save the animal, which involved navy divers tying a rope around the elephant and dragging it back to land. Wildlife officials later checked the elephant, and confirmed that it was not injured. Jul 13, 2017

Huge landslide buries eight vehicles on busy road in China

A car dashcam captured the moment a huge landslide buried multiple cars in the Guangxi Zhuang region of China on 12 July. Three people were injured in the landslide, one of whom was sent to hospital with leg and back injuries. It is thought the accident was caused by continuous rainfall. Jul 13, 2017

Donald Trump: Vladimir Putin wanted Hillary Clinton, not me as US president

Donald Trump said he was sure that his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin would have preferred Hillary Clinton, his Democrat rival, to win the White House. The US president was speaking with Pat Robertson on the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) on 12 July. Trump said that his interest in military spending and energy independence for the U.S. would in fact be anathema to Putin and his interests. Jul 13, 2017

Trump says he and Putin get along very, very well

US President Donald Trump said that his lengthy meeting with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany, was a good sign in the relations between both the countries. The two sides can work together on issues like the ceasefire in Syria, he said in an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network on 12 July. The president said he gets along very, very well with Putin and that it doesnt make sense not to have some kind of a relationship with Russia. Jul 13, 2017

One trillion-ton Iceberg breaks off Antarctica

One of the biggest icebergs on record has broken away from Antarctica, scientists said on July 12, creating an extra hazard for ships around the continent as it breaks up. Jul 12, 2017