Articles by Staff Reporter
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US Senate votes for new sanctions on Russia, Iran and North Korea despite Trumps objection

Despite President Donald Trump and the White Houses objection, the US Senate on Thursday (27 July) passed a legislation to slap new sanctions on Russia, Iran and North Korea. The bill has been sent for the approval of Trump, who can exercise his right to veto. White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Trump will review the sanctions but did not reveal what action he is likely to take. If signed by Trump, the sanctions will anger Russia, which has already threatened to retaliate. Jul 28, 2017

Stunning timelapse shows lightning storm over Hawaii

A timelapse video captured at Gemini Observatory in Mauna Kea, Hawaii, shows lightning high in the clouds during an impressive thunderstorm that raged north of the Island of Hawaii on July 23. Jul 27, 2017

What were 700 teddy bears doing on Londons St Pauls Cathedral steps this morning?

As part of a campaign to highlight the plight of children fleeing the conflict in South Sudan, international childrens charity World Vision UK launched its #BearsOnStairs campaign earlier in July. The campaign culminated with an installation on the steps of Londons St Pauls Cathedral on July 27, where 700 teddy bears were placed to represent the number of fleeing South Sudanese children who arrive in Uganda each week. Jul 27, 2017

What is the 1967 sexual offences act?

July 2017 marks 50 years since the Sexual Offences Act 2017 was brought in, a turning point in gay rights that has brought us to where we are today. Jul 27, 2017

UK Defence Secretary: Beijing responsible for getting North Korea to abandon nuclear program

British Defence Secretary Michael Fallon on Thursday (July 27) called on China to use its influence over North Korea to stem the threat of the regime and amp;#39;s nuclear and missile programs. Fallon was speaking to media in Sydney after the Australian United Kingdom Ministerial Consultation (AUKMin), where he was joined by British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop and Australian Defence Minister Marise Payne, all of whom spoke about the need to stick to a rules-based international order currently under strain. North Korea has been under U.N. sanctions since 2006 over its ballistic missile and nuclear programs and the U.N. Security Council has ratcheted up measures in response to five nuclear weapons tests and two long-range missile launches. Jul 27, 2017

UK Defence Secretary: Beijing responsible for getting North Korea to abandon nuclear program

British Defence Secretary Michael Fallon on Thursday (July 27) called on China to use its influence over North Korea to stem the threat of the regime and amp;#39;s nuclear and missile programs. Fallon was speaking to media in Sydney after the Australian United Kingdom Ministerial Consultation (AUKMin), where he was joined by British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop and Australian Defence Minister Marise Payne, all of whom spoke about the need to stick to a rules-based international order currently under strain. North Korea has been under U.N. sanctions since 2006 over its ballistic missile and nuclear programs and the U.N. Security Council has ratcheted up measures in response to five nuclear weapons tests and two long-range missile launches. Jul 27, 2017

Transgender rights activists protest Trumps military ban in Times Square

Hundreds of protesters rallied in New Yorks Times Square on 26 July to voice their opposition to President Donald Trumps announcement that he would ban transgender people from serving in the US military. Protesters gathered outside a military recruitment centre in Times Square for the rally. Jul 27, 2017

Caitlyn Jennier and other celebrities react to Trumps transgender military ban

Celebrities were outraged after President Trump announced a controversial ban on transgender people serving in the military in all facets. Trump announced the ban in a series of tweets, saying that the military cannot afford to accommodate them. Caitlyn Jenner, Laverne Cox, Ellen DeGeneres and other celebs spoke up about the ban on Twitter Jul 27, 2017

Trump calls reporter very rude after she shouts out question on transgender military ban

Donald Trump called a reporter very rude for asking him a question about his decision to ban transgender people from the US military. His remarks came during a gathering of American Legion Auxiliary youth at the White House on 26 July. The American president shocked the country when he made the surprise announcement in a series of Twitter posts. He said transgender individuals will not be allowed to serve in any capacity in the US military. The Republican revealed that he had reached the decision after discussing it with his generals. Jul 27, 2017

What happened to the biggest stars of the London 2012 Olympics?

Many a sporting legend was born during the London Olympics in 2012, with some of the biggest names in sport announcing themselves on the world stage. Five years on, we look at what happened to some of the stars that emerged from the London games. Jul 27, 2017

Video of shark dragged by high-speed boat sparks outrage

A video showing a shark dragged by a speeding boat sparked outrage on social media. A group of unidentified men are seen laughing while looking at the shark struggling. The video quickly went viral after being shared on Instagram. While the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission says they will investigate the case, many condemned the disturbing incident. Jul 27, 2017