samsung internet update
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 home screen (Cheon Fong Liew/Wikimedia Commons)

Samsung Electronics Co Ltd has dressed up the Samsung Internet browser with new features three months ago, including Night Mode, High Contrast and Tracking Blockers. The latest beta update offers brand new options in the browser's visual performance to more devices.

Samsung Internet 6.2 beta update is now available to download for Android phone owners. Ever since the browser was released to non-Galaxy devices in 2015, Samsung has been hard at work to deliver a unique web browser.

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The integration of the Night Mode feature in Samsung Internet used to be a privilege that only Galaxy phone users were able to enjoy. The beta update has opened doors to the public as this feature is now operable on other Android devices running the software version 5.0 and later.

Night Mode is ideal to use at night during bedtime. This has been scientifically proven to reduce the risk of inflicting eye-related illnesses. This feature particularly decreases the bright light emitted by the phone screen and turns the phone into a practically black screen.

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Samsung Internet 6.2 update also brings High Contrast mode, making web view more comfortable and accessible. Unlike Night Mode, High Contrast displays texts in white on a dark background, which means there may be less light but the texts are more readable.

The new Tracking Blockers feature makes surfing experience more secure. It is enabled by default in Secret Mode.