iberia airline free galaxy note 8
Passenger planes of Spain's flagship Iberia airline are parked at Terminal 4 of Madrid's Barajas airport October 18, 2013 (Sergio Perez/File Photo/Reuters)

Around 200 passengers of Spanish flag carrier Iberia have received an early Christmas gift from Samsung Electronics Inc in the form of the Galaxy Note 8. The lucky passengers riding on a domestic economy flight were not informed beforehand that they were bound to get an amazing giveaway that is more expensive than their plane tickets.

Samsung has been doubling its efforts to promote the Galaxy Note 8 phone, and its latest ploy involves handing out 200 units to passengers inside an airplane in Spain. It can be remembered in 2017, the first few Galaxy Note 7 explosions were reported by users on flight.

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Airplanes around the world immediately prohibited Galaxy Note 7 units to be brought on board flights. As Samsung on Monday, October 23 distributed free luxury phones to 200 passengers, the company wants to convey that its disaster days for the Note line is over.

A message in Spanish on the Galaxy Note 8 box reads: "A year ago we asked you to turn it off, we welcome you today on board."

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Passengers were on board an Iberia plane from Madrid bound for A Coruña. Samsung is in partnership with Spain's flag carrier to promote the South Korean tech giant's high-end smartphone.

Here is the Facebook video clip of Samsung Spain handing out free Galaxy Note 8 units:

The company is giving away the Galaxy Note 8 units a couple of days before the official release of staunch rival Apple's killer smartphone, the iPhone X.

Galaxy Note 8 sports 6.3-inch Super AMOLED display at 1,440 x 2,960 pixels. Its variants run on Exynos 8895 and Snapdragon 835 chipsets. Other internal specifications include 6 gigabytes of RAM, 3,300 mAh battery and an iris scanner, among others, Galaxy Note 8 price starts at S$1,398.