Articles by Staff Reporter
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Pharma Bro Martin Shkreli on trial for securities fraud charges

Martin Shkreli, aka the Pharma Bro, is on trial for multiple fraud charges. The former pharmaceutical CEO is being tried on 8 counts of securities and wire fraud related to when he ran two hedge funds, MSMB Capital and MSMB Healthcare. He is also accused of manipulating stocks illegally from Retrophin, a biotech company that he founded in 2011 but was ousted from in 2014. Before his trial, nearly 250 potential jurors were dismissed due to concerns of impartiality, as many jurors expressed hatred and disgust toward Shkreli. Shkreli caused public outrage when he dramatically raiseded the price by 5,000% of Daraprim, a potentially life-saving medicine for HIV patients and others with compromised immune systems, in 2015. Shkreli was dubbed by many a public disgrace and Americas Most Hated Man. Shkreli now faces 20 years in prison if convicted. Jun 30, 2017

10 years of the iPhone

Ten years ago, Steve Jobs unveiled the first generation of the iPhone, ten years later it and amp;#39;s been through multiple changes, Newsweek looks closely at some of them. Jun 30, 2017

John McEnroe speaks out about Serena Williams feud

McEnroe has come in for criticism in recent days after claiming that Williams, a 23-time Grand Slam champion, would be ranked number 700 in the world if she played on the mens circuit. Jun 30, 2017

You might not need glasses to watch 3D films much longer

James Cameron proclaimed viewers will be able to watch Avatar 2 and further sequels in 3D without glasses. Camerons team and Christie Digital are developing a new RGB laser projection system, that will deliver bright images at a high frame rate, resulting in crystal clear, sharp images, and eliminate the need for 3D glasses. Jun 29, 2017

Cardinal Pell: The whole idea of sexual abuse is abhorrent to me

Cardinal George Pell, an advisor to the Pope, denied all charges of historical sex abuse in a press conference at the Vatican on 29 June. Pell is the highest ranking member of the Catholic Church to be charged with sexual abuse, and will now travel back to his homeland of Victoria, Australia, to defend himself. Jun 29, 2017

Adorable sea otter pup rescued from open waters

A tiny sea otter pup was being cared for at the Vancouver Aquarium on June 28, after being found swimming alone in open water off northern Vancouver Island on Sunday, June 25. Jun 29, 2017

Israels Mossad launches fund to acquire new spy technology

Israels Mossad intelligence agency has set up an investment fund to help development of new cloak-and-dagger technologies. A video released to accompany the launch of the fund, called Libertad, shows a female spy sitting in a cafe and using top notch technology to identify suspects. Jun 29, 2017

Adorable dancing dads rock out to Little Mix with their daughters

Neil Cooley took his daughter, Isla, to a Little Mix concert and shared a video on 26 June of the two of them rocking out to the music alongside Islas friend, Biz, and her father.The adorable video shows the little girls on their dads shoulders as the four of them face the stage and sing along to Little Mix. Jun 29, 2017

Blue shark euthanised after swimming along shoreline in Majorca

A video posted on social media shows a blue shark splashing in shallow waters on a beach of the Spanish island Majorca.An eyewitness told Reuters that the shark, spotted on Sunday (25 June) on Playa de Palma, looked petrified.The eyewitness added that the animal was able to get back into the water and swimmers were told by lifeguards to get out of the sea. Jun 29, 2017

DUPs Foster welcomes deal with Theresa Mays Conservatives

The leader of Northern Irelands biggest Protestant party, Arlene Foster, welcomed a deal struck with British Prime Minister Theresa May on 26 June to prop up her minority government. May agreed to £1bn ($1.3 billion) in extra funding for Northern Ireland in return for the support of the Democratic Unionist Party. Jun 29, 2017

Donald Trump on Chuck Schumer: He doesnt seem like a serious person

While meeting with the World Series-winning Chicago Cubs at the White House, President Trump was asked by reporter if he would accept Senator Chuck Schumers request to meet with the entire Senate chamber to craft a bipartisan healthcare bill. President Trump said he just doesnt seem like a serious person. Despite a major setback in the US Senate with the postponed vote,Trump said that the Republican healthcare bill was moving along well and predicted a big surprise was yet to come. Jun 29, 2017

Donald Trump on Chuck Schumer: He doesnt seem like a serious person

While meeting with the World Series-winning Chicago Cubs at the White House, President Trump was asked by reporter if he would accept Senator Chuck Schumers request to meet with the entire Senate chamber to craft a bipartisan healthcare bill. President Trump said he just doesnt seem like a serious person. Despite a major setback in the US Senate with the postponed vote,Trump said that the Republican healthcare bill was moving along well and predicted a big surprise was yet to come. Jun 29, 2017

Top Vatican official, Cardinal George Pell, charged with historical sex crimes in Australia

Australian police have charged top Vatican official Cardinal George Pell with multiple historical sex offences on Thursday (29 June) after allegations were made by multiple complainants. He is Australias highest Catholic and chief financial adviser to Pope Francis. In the Catholic Churchs long running sex abuse scandal, Pell will be the highest Vatican official ever to be charged. Pell has denied the accusations made against him. He has faced a number of allegations that he mishandled cases of sexual abuse by clergy while he was Archbishop of Melbourne and then Sydney. Jun 29, 2017

Female Kurdish fighter laughs after nearly being shot by Isis sniper

A video showing a Kurdish fighter nearly being shot by an ISIS sniper has emerged online. The unidentified woman can be seen taking an aim with her own sniper riffle through a window in Raqqa, Syria, before a bullet hits the wall behind her, right next to her head. Moments later she can be seen laughing and apparently joking about her near death experience. The video was uploaded to Twitter by journalist Hemze Hamza on 27 June. Jun 29, 2017