Song Joong-ki
Song Joong-ki during his award acceptance speech at the 29th Korea Producer Awards. instagram/songjoongkionly

Song Joong-ki is one of the most popular South Korean actors at the moment. However, it is not just his acting that makes his fans love him but also his generosity; something he has shown time and again. At the 29th Korea Producer Awards, Soompi notes, Song Joong -ki upon receiving an award, made a promise to screenwriter Kim Moon-sook with whom he has never worked before. Kim Moon-sook, who worked on a radio show for CBS, received the writer's award on the same night.

After receiving her award, Kim Moon-sook talked about her struggle to find work in the entertainment industry. "Every day I write scripts that go nowhere," the writer said, breaking down in tears. Song Joong-ki, who Soompi mentions had nodded and smiled during every winner's speeches, was obviously moved by her speech and made it a point to address the issue during his own awards acceptance speech.

Song Joong-ki, after accepting his own award a while later said, "I was watching this ceremony with my drama team and thought about many things." He then added, "I learned a lot from hearing the words of many veterans in their fields. I think it was a good thing to come tonight. Kim Moon Sook said that she writes scripts that go nowhere. I will become an actor who can work to bring those precious scripts to life."

Song Joong-ki's words made Kim Moon-sook tear up again. His kindness is no doubt exemplary as he didn't need to make such a promise to a writer he didn't know. His kindness shows that he genuinely loves his field of work and wants to help those who are struggling, find work and contribute to the industry's growth. Writer Kim Eun-sook who wrote both 'Descendants of the Sun' and 'Goblin: The Lonely and Great God,' applauded Joong-ki's speech.

Song Joong-ki had recently gifted a refrigerator to co-actor Kim Min-suk on his house-warming. He also hosted a pizza party for sick children at the Seoul National University Children's Hospital. He has also been donating to the Korean Childhood Leukaemia Foundation, since 2011, which helped treat 10 kids diagnosed with the life-threatening ailment.