Timelapse video shows Bali volcano spewing ash

A volcano in Indonesias Bali erupted for the second time in two days on November 26. Indonesian and regional authorities heightened flight warnings around Balis Mount Agung as the volcanos eruptions sent a plume of volcanic ash and steam more than 6,000 meters into the skies above the popular holiday island. Nov 26, 2017

Pakistani police move to clear Islamist sit-in paralyzing capital

Pakistani police used tear gas and watercannon in clashes with stone-throwing Islamist protesters on November 25, as they moved to clear a protest by the religious hard-liners who have blocked main routes into Islamabad for more than two weeks. Clashes immediately broke out between members of Tehreek-e-Labaik, a hard-line Islamist party, and some 4,000 police sent to break up the protest. Nov 25, 2017

Pakistani police move to clear Islamist sit-in paralyzing capital

Pakistani police used tear gas and watercannon in clashes with stone-throwing Islamist protesters on November 25, as they moved to clear a protest by the religious hard-liners who have blocked main routes into Islamabad for more than two weeks. Clashes immediately broke out between members of Tehreek-e-Labaik, a hard-line Islamist party, and some 4,000 police sent to break up the protest. Nov 25, 2017