A screen grab from the video

A strange white object that has been spotted in archive footage of a NASA shuttle launch that took place in 2011 has again created a frenzy among the UFO hunters. According to reports, the UFO enthusiasts have claimed it to be an evidence of an alien craft.

The footage shows a shimmery white spectacle in the clouds alongside the fuel tank discarded from the space shuttle Endeavour after it blasts off for its final mission in May 2011.

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The video was originally posted on NASA's official YouTube channel but it has been dug up and re-examined by UFO enthusiasts. The clip was re-uploaded to the channel UFO Today, which is dedicated to "the UFO phenomena".

According to the channel's interpretation, the strange object that was spotted in the video is the "White Knight Satellite". It is a rumoured extra-terrestrial craft that has been secretly orbiting the Earth for thousands of years.

The video has captured the moment when the fuel tank is jettisoned from the NASA craft minutes after take-off.

The space agency believes that the experts would be able to contact the extra-terrestrials some time sooner. However, NASA doesn't think alike in these kinds of conspiracy theories.

Meanwhile, Tony del Genio, co-lead of NASA's NExSS project at the Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York, thinks that the discovery of alien life may only be a couple of decades away. "I think that in 20 years we will have found one candidate that might be it," he told Mirror.

In addition to this, Del Genio also said that alien life may well exist in forms and places so bizarre that it might be substantially different from Earth.