Nicotine/ smoking
Nicotine patch safer for pregnant women than smoking Pixabay

Although nicotine use might not be safe for a pregnant woman's foetus, a new therapy called nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) is extremely safe for women who are not being able to quit smoking, claimed a new study.

The study published in the Medical Journal of Australia should provide the doctors with the necessary confidence regarding the safety of NRT which is a medically approved way to ingest nicotine and help quit smoking.

The therapy includes adhesive patch, chewing gum, lozenges, nose spray, or inhaler. All these measures are considered helpful for pregnant women who are being unable to quit smoking.

"Smoking during pregnancy is the most significant, preventable risk factor for poor maternal and infant health outcomes, "said Yael Bar-Zeev, Head of the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) Centre for Smoking Cessation Prevention in Israel.

"Clinician worldwide, including in the United States, reports that they prescribe NRT at low levels due to lack of confidence and safety concerns. However, behavioural counselling combined with medication is the most effective smoking cessation strategy," said Bar-Zeev.

The principal guidelines worldwide recommend NRT for all pregnant women who face difficulty to quit smoking without undergoing any kind of medications.

However, this can only happen if women take it up as a challenge. Only if women are motivated and continuously use NRT for two weeks then only will they be successful in the venture. 

The researchers explained that using NRT while still pregnant improves smoking cessation rates. However, they also may not show higher nicotine metabolism during pregnancy and may not completely treat the withdrawal symptoms.

"The most important guidance for NRT in pregnancy is to use the lowest possible dose that is effective," said he.

With inputs from IANS.