Who is Cyntoia Brown and why are celebrities demanding her freedom?

The case of 16 year old sex trafficed Cyntoia Brown has resurfaced.In 2004 she was sentenced to life in prison for murder despite a horrific past of abuse and sex trafficking. Celebrities including Kim Kardashian and Rihanna demand she is freed on social media. Nov 23, 2017

Ratko Mladić sentenced to life imprisonment for Bosnia genocide

Ex-Bosnian Serb commander Ratko Mladic has been sentenced to life imprisonment for genocide. Mladic was found guilty of genocide and crimes against humanities including persecution, murder and extermination committed in the 1990s Bosnian war. Mladic was removed from the court moments before the verdict was announced for shouting at the judges. Nov 22, 2017

Major breakthrough in fight against Dementia

Although people claim that sports could reduce the amount of any disease in a person, there are many famous sports personalities, who became the victim of this disease. Nov 22, 2017

58 soldiers cram onto single motorbike in India to break world record

The Indian Army set a new world record with 58 men riding on a single motorbike on 19 November. The stunt was performed by Tornadoes, a motorcycle display team of armys logistics arm, Army Service Corps in the southern Indian city of Bengaluru. The team said they underwent a rigourous training for six months, including a strict diet to maintain their weight. Research for the stunt began in 2013, according to local media reports. Nov 22, 2017

Watch CCTV of vicious glass attack in London Wetherspoons pub

A man has been jailed for two years after admitting smashing a glass into his victims face in a pub. Dramatic CCTV footage shows the moment Anjungi Lam raced towards the victim and smashed a pint glass against the right side of his face, cutting his nose, lip and neck, chipping his tooth and injuring his cornea. Nov 22, 2017

Trump defends Roy Moore: He totally denies It

President Donald Trump defended embattled US Senate candidate Roy Moore on Tuesday (21 November), saying the Alabama Republican had denied allegations of sexual misconduct and emphasized that he did not want Moores Democratic opponent to win.Trump has previously said that Moore should step aside if the allegations were true. Nov 22, 2017

Trump doesn't rule out backing Moore

US President Donald Trump did not rule out backing the Senate candidacy of Republican Roy Moore, saying any option is better than the presence of another "liberal" in the upper house. Nov 22, 2017

US Air Force targets Afghanistan drug labs in airstrikes

The US Air Force and Afghan forces struck seven drug processing centers in Helmand Province, Afghanistan, on 19 November, as a part of a new strategy NATO said is meant to cut off the Talibans revenue stream.The Air Force used one of its oldest and most heavy-duty pieces of weaponry, the B-52, in the strikes and also one of its latest, the F-22 Raptor Nov 22, 2017