Obama's tweet most-liked ever, Trump has none

Although US President Donald Trump creates a lot of buzz on Twitter round the clock it is his predecessor Barack Obama who has the most-liked tweet of 2017 in his kitty. Dec 6, 2017

Human pilot beats AI drone in race

NASA decided to pit an AI-piloted drone against professional drone racer Ken Loo. The autonomous drone was equipped with cameras to map outIts surrounding. Dec 6, 2017

What is a Supermoon?

Many gravitational forces influence the moon and amp;#39;s orbit. This can lead to an incredible natural penomena known as a supermoon. The moon will be at the closest point of its orbit to Earth in the first few days of December Dec 2, 2017

Shocking Japanese whaling footage shows barbaric hunt in Australian whale sanctuary

A graphic video of Japanese fishermen hunting whales in an Australian ocean sanctuary in the Antarctic region has finally been released, nearly a decade after it was caught on camera and after five years of legal battle. The footage released by Sea Shepherd conservation group shows the men using a harpoon on a whale before dragging its injured body on to their boat. Nov 28, 2017

Trump defends Roy Moore: He totally denies It

President Donald Trump defended embattled US Senate candidate Roy Moore on Tuesday (21 November), saying the Alabama Republican had denied allegations of sexual misconduct and emphasized that he did not want Moores Democratic opponent to win.Trump has previously said that Moore should step aside if the allegations were true. Nov 22, 2017