Barack Obamas Charlottesville response becomes most-liked tweet ever

 Although US President Donald Trump creates a lot of buzz on Twitter round the clock it is his predecessor Barack Obama who has the most-liked tweet of 2017 in his kitty.

According to Twitter's year-in-review list, Obama's tweet reacting to racist violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, in August was not only the most-liked tweet of 2017 but also in the history of the micro-blogging platform that has over 300 million users.

The tweet, sent from @BarackObama, quoted Nelson Mandela's 1994 autobiography: "No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin or his background or his religion."

It was also the second-most retweeted tweet of the year, Vox reported on Wednesday.

The most retweeted tweet was about chicken nuggets from the food chain Wendy's.

Trump, however, was the most-talked-about politician but none of his tweets made the lists of most liked messages.

Obama sent the first tweet from the official @POTUS account, which now belongs to Trump, in May 2015.

Trump's most retweeted tweet ever is a fake video of him beating up CNN, a GIF that originated on the Reddit community.

Obama has 97.6 million followers on Twitter while Trump has 44.1 million.

The most shared TwitterMoments included NASA's discovery of seven Earth-like new planets and Beyonce announcing her pregnancy.