Donald Trump on Chuck Schumer: He doesnt seem like a serious person

While meeting with the World Series-winning Chicago Cubs at the White House, President Trump was asked by reporter if he would accept Senator Chuck Schumers request to meet with the entire Senate chamber to craft a bipartisan healthcare bill. President Trump said he just doesnt seem like a serious person. Despite a major setback in the US Senate with the postponed vote,Trump said that the Republican healthcare bill was moving along well and predicted a big surprise was yet to come. Jun 29, 2017

Girl dropping McDonalds takeaway breaks the internets heart

This video might be almost physically painful for food lovers and McDonalds fans might want to look away now. Uploaded to Twitter, the viral video shows high school student Delaney Cooper tripping over a set of steps while carrying a cup of soda and a McDonalds bag. As a result, much of her food goes flying and according to Cooper, only her hamburger could be salvaged; a loss the Twittersphere immediately began mourning. Jun 23, 2017

James Comey accuses Donald Trump administration of defaming him and telling lies

Former FBI Director James Comey on 8 June accused the Trump administration of defaming him and telling lies about the agency. Howerver Comey, who was fired by Donald Trump, but declined to offer his opinion on whether President Donald Trump sought to obstruct justice by asking him to drop an investigation into the former national security advisor. Jun 9, 2017

How the Stonewall riot birthed LGBT Pride

LGBT Pride Month is celebrated in June in honor of the 1969 Stonewall Riot. President Clinton declared June as Gay and Lesbian Pride Month in 2000. This became LGBT Pride Month under President Obama in 2009. Jun 3, 2017

Donald Trump finally meets his hand shake match In Emmanuel Macron

Its well-documented at this point that President Donald Trump plays an odd game of dominance when he shakes hands—he contorts, jostles and pulls the person hes greeting to make sure hes in charge of the shake. But newly-elected French President Emmanuel Macron seems to have studied the American president and was prepared for Trumps odd handshake tactics Thursday when the two met in Brussels. May 30, 2017

Ivanka Trump at Twitter forum: Young Muslims can build a future of tolerance, hope and peace

Ivanka Trump stepped in for her father on Sunday (21 May) as host for a Twitter forum for young people in Saudi Arabia where she spoke about the power of social media and its ability to promote peace. Speaking to a crowd of about 400 people, she said: Social media is an incredibly powerful tool. It empowers the people, particularly the next generation. Your generation. May 22, 2017