
Twitter has just released a new update that revamped a huge part of its user interface on mobile, desktop, and browser. The edit feature, which has been the much requested by its users, seems to get a snub again this time.

Twitter has not included the edit feature for tweets in its latest update. For years now, it has been one of the users' most demanded features. Critics have expressed that Twitter is using it to its own advantage to spark debates as no one is able to re-word what has been posted unless users delete the post.

"If anything, trolling has become a national pastime on Twitter. Even the President participates", writes TechCrunch. "And Twitter is still too much in need of an ever-growing number of unique users to do something crazy like a large-scale perma-ban of online harassers".

Since the first quarter of 2017, Twitter has seen a massive surge in its audiences whose user base grew from 9 million to 328 million of active users every month. This has been largely attributed to US President Donal Trump's controversial tweets.

Meanwhile, the user interface redesign this update brings for Twitter is considerably targeted to newcomers. No radical changes have been made, just minor tweaks in general including the placement of settings, font style used in header texts, and sizes of icons, among others.

Profile icons are now round instead of square. Heading texts have different font styles which are bolder. The Reply icon has changed as well, while the DM, Retweet, and Like icons have been refreshed.

In a blog post of Twitter, it says, "Today, with lots of feedback and ideas from you, we're refreshing our product too and making it feel lighter, faster, and easier to use. We listened closely and kept what you love. And for the things you didn't, we took a new approach to fix and make better".

Twitter update version 7.0 will start to roll out on iOS and Android today after the desktop and browser versions. TweetDeck and Twitter Lite will also get some tweaks.