Sex and the City 3
Sex and the City star confirmed the cancellation news of the sequel Reuters

Sarah Jessica Parker, the star of "Sex and the City" movie said on Friday, September 29, that the plan to make the third part of the movie has been canceled due to her co-star Kim Cattrall's demands.

The 52-year-old star said that although there was a script for "Sex and the City 3", the Warner Bros refused to meet Cattrall because of her outrageous demands. Sarah revealed the news to Extra at New York City Ballet Gala on Thursday, September 28, stating that she was disappointed.

"It's over... we're not doing it," stated Sarah, while attending the event with her husband Matthew Broderick.

"We had this beautiful, funny, heartbreaking, joyful, very relatable script and story," she continued.

"It's not just disappointing that we don't get to tell the story and have that experience, but more so for that audience that has been so vocal in wanting another movie," she concluded.

The last sequel of SATC, which was filmed in Abu Dhabi, had collected $288million worldwide and had six successful seasons on the silver screen as well.

While the cast and crew were set to start shooting for the movie, Cattrall, popularly known as Samantha Jones, had demanded that her other movies be produced first. Otherwise, she refused to sign up for the new project.

Warner Bros, the producers of "Sex and the City", did not agree with Cattrall's terms and decided to cancel the movie.

'The only reason this movie isn't being made is that of Kim Cattrall. Everyone was looking forward to making this movie but Kim made it all about her, always playing the victim," a source told DailyMail TV.

'Kim had the audacity to tell Warner Bros that she would only do this if they made other movies she had in development. Ridiculous. Who does she think she is - George Clooney?' The anonymous source further added.

Another source talked about the cancellation of the project, "This franchise made her and let's be frank, it's all she is really known for."

"Cast and crew don't just show up to make a movie, they have to rearrange their lives. People turned down other jobs, were in the process of relocating to New York but she kept stalling and was always unavailable when answers from her were needed," the person concluded.

During an interview in 2016 with Daily Record, the 61-year-old Cattrall said that although she had no plans to leave the SATC project and her character, the third project would be hard.

"Everyone is doing their own thing and if it was going to happen, it would have happened by now. It would be a challenge to do a third installment. It could be fun though. To say goodbye completely to Samantha would be pretty hard," she said during the interview as quoted by Mail Online.

Sarah's confirmation statement has shattered the expectations SATC fans had for the sequel.