Google Android Chrome OS aka Andromeda
Google Android Chrome OS aka 'Andromeda' Google

The long-awaited and highly-rumoured Android-Chrome OS hybrid aka 'Andromeda' is expected to be teased at Google's forthcoming event on 4 October. The Senior VP of Android, Chrome and Google Play, Hiroshi Lockheimer had recently tweeted about an important announcement regarding some Android release for 4 October.

Although the tweet itself appears to be vague and bland, it is speculated that Google could be teasing the highly-anticipated merger of Android and Chrome OS on 4 October. The merger or the hybrid operating system (OS) is also known as Andromeda, whose rumours first surfaced online through a Wall Street Journal (WSJ) report, just a year ago.

According to WSJ, Google has plans to incorporate Chrome OS features into Android in order to extend the software compatibility to a wider variety of hardware. Laptops, convertibles and 2-in-1s are expected to benefit the most out of the new hybrid Android OS as the existing Chrome OS has failed to make much of an impression.

The final version of the hybrid OS is expected to release sometime in 2017 while the teaser version in its beta stage could come out as early as 4 October. Lockheimer's recent tweet has set high expectations among fans to expect a major software announcement along with some new handset launch at the big event in October.

We can just hope that the rumours indeed turn out true, so that we could get the first look at Google's latest innovation with a hybrid OS.