Google clock

In spite of meticulous testing and numerous developer previews, major operating systems do face issues following their releases. Now, the same has happened with the Android 8.0 Oreo update. Recently, some users have, reportedly, discovered an annoying bug after updating their devices with Google's latest firmware update. Several users have reported that following the upgrade, their Pixel and Nexus devices' alarm in the Google Clock app is simply not working anymore, reported Android Police.

As per the report, a user has told the publication via e-mail that his Pixel alarm clock is not performing properly since updating to Oreo. He also mentioned that while the alarms, set to less than an hour ahead, are going off, those set further ahead are never going off at all.

"Since the last update, the clock app has been dismissing the alarms as soon as they start to go off. I have noticed if a set an alarm a minute from now it works. When I set an alarm for tomorrow morning it dismisses itself," said another user to the publication.

A number of users have voiced the same issue citing that they've been late for work or some important meeting because of this problem and many have also taken to Reddit to complain about the matter.

"Mine's been super flaky as well. I actually noticed before missing an alarm, the alarm symbol is not showing up in my top bar, going in and turning off and on the alarm then fixes it. I've been wondering if it had something to do me with snoozing the annoying always on background task notification.. but it looks like that might not be the case. Oh, and might I add.. this morning I snoozed my alarm. When the alarm went off again after the snooze.. I was missing the screen to snooze it or stop it," wrote a Redditor.

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As of yet, none of the AP staff have taken a notice to this issue, however, the problem now appears t be fairly widespread. It is expected that Google will acknowledge the matter and fix the issue with the next update. However, until then users are advised to use other backup alarm clock apps such as Sleep, Timely, Gentle Alarm and so on. You can get various options on Google Play Store.