South Korean girl group, S.E.S consists of Bada, Eugene, and Shoo. Facebook/sesforever

First generation Hallyu girl group, SES, is making a comeback in 2017. SES, SM Entertainment's first ever girl band, debuted in 1996 but the girls parted ways in 2002 to focus on individual careers.

Giving further details on their reunification, the trio personally went up on their social media and surprised their fans with the exciting news: "We want to have a deeply meaningful time for our 20th anniversary. Hello, this is S.E.S's Bada, Eugene, and Shoo! It really seems like it's been such a long time since we greeted you like this. The members are all together right now, " they shared.

SES is coming together to celebrate the band's 20th anniversary which falls next year. The girls further revealed that Lee Soo Man, who is the original inceptor of the group, will come forward to make the reunion worth remembering. However, the preparations are still in the initial stages and nothing concrete can be said as of now.

"We feel even more hearty thanks to Lee Soo Man, who said he would be delighted to help us and viewed our idea prettily~ ^^ We're still at the beginning stage, but as we prepare, we will give more good news. Our Friends, please wait a bit more and expect more ^^ Thank you for always giving us support," S.E.S Instagram update relayed.

안녕하세요~!!! "친구"여러분 저희 SES 많이 기다리셨죠?^^ 저희도 여러분 많이 보고싶었어요~??? S.E.S. 바다 유진 슈 입니다!!! 정말 오랜만에 이렇게 인사 드리는 것 같아요. 지금 멤버들 다 함께 모여 있는데요~ 저희가 직접 말씀 드리는것이 좋을 것 같아 이렇게 글을 남깁니다^___^ S.E.S.가 내년이면 데뷔20주년이에요!!!~ 20주년을 맞이해 우리들의 영원한 '친구'들과 함께하는 뜻깊은 시간을 만들어 보려고 준비중입니다~^^ 사실 저희가 마음속으론 늘준비했던일이지만. . . 드디어 함께 해보자는 이야기를 조금더구체적으로 나누는 순간부터 떨리기도 하고 설레기도 했는데요 저희가 다시 뭉친다?는 소식만으로도 팬분들이 행복해 하시는 반응들을 보니 더 잘 준비해야겠다는 생각이 드네요~ 응원해 주신 모든 분들께 진심으로 감사드려요 ~? 또한 저희의 이런 생각을 예쁘게 봐주시고 흔쾌히 도와주시겠다고 말씀해 주신 이수만 선생님이 계셔서 더욱 든든한 마음이고요~^^ 아직은 상의중인 부분도 많아서요 시작 단계이지만 준비되는대로 좋은 소식 전해 드릴게요? ?친구?여러분~ 조금만 더 기다려주시고 살며시 기대해 주세요오~^^ 늘 응원해 주셔서 감사합니다. !? 계속 업로드하겠습니당~~♡ #SES#SES20주년#원조요정#유진이바다에빠졌슈# love#두근두근#첫사랑#surprise#

A photo posted by SES - bAdA (@bada0228) on


Meanwhile, this is not the first time SES has decided to make a comeback in the K-pop culture. Earlier in 2007, the group reunited to celebrate their 10th anniversary. As for appearances, they got together as a group for the Korean show Happy Sunday, and made another appearance together as a group on the show Come to Play in 2008. S.E.S was also seen at a charity event, Green Heart Bazaar, in May this year.