Windows 10 Creators Update
How to manually download Windows 10 Creators Update, ahead of official release

Microsoft is all set to launch Windows 10 Creators Update on 11 April while the veterans of Windows community have managed to manually install the update, using the ISO file or the Update Assistant method. However, several users are reportedly facing unexpected audio issues soon after installing the update and rebooting their computer.

It is reported that affected computers are experiencing some strange behaviour in audio output wherein the sound appears to be muffled or sometimes muted, soon after completing the installation of Windows 10 Creators Update and rebooting the system.

Veteran Windows users have discovered a simple fix to resolve the audio problem wherein you just need to install the latest driver updates from your sound-card maker. For instance, some users have reported the update had actually uninstalled the Beats app without their knowledge and hence its audio drivers were all messed up. Reinstalling the Beats app helped restore the sound to its normal functionality.

Although the sound issue has not been reported as a widespread issue, if you have installed the Creators Update and facing problems after the first reboot then you are advised to check your third-party audio software is working as intended or try reinstalling it.