Microsoft Windows 10 Anniversary Update
Release date of Windows 10 Anniversary Update leaked Microsoft Blog Post

Windows 10 has been the most preferred Microsoft desktop platform after Windows 8 failed to live up to fan expectations while a freshly leaked screenshot of Microsoft's official blog-post hints at the probable release date for the Windows 10 Anniversary Update.

It is now ascertained that the Windows maker has deleted the blog post after the inadvertent leak went viral on the internet. The leaked blog post carried the headline: "Microsoft announces Windows 10 anniversary update available Aug. 2."

As Microsoft is yet to officially confirm the likely release date of the Anniversary Update for Windows 10, this leak should be taken with a pinch of salt. However, there is no denying the possibility that a Microsoft insider could have accidentally published the article ahead of the official schedule and then taken down the post after realising the mistake.

The official release date shown in the leak for the Windows 10 Anniversary Update may be different than Microsoft's actual schedule for the update. Nevertheless, Microsoft is likely to come out with a formal announcement on the availability of the new update for Windows 10 soon, especially considering the fact that the company had earlier announced the update at its Annual Build Conference in March.

Some of the noteworthy features expected with the Anniversary Update include new Windows Ink feature that enhances the user-interaction experience in Windows 10 via stylus and enhancements to Windows Hello as well as Cortana.

Although there is no confirmation on the possible release window for the highly-rumoured Anniversary Update, it is expected to be a free upgrade to all those who have Windows 10 installed on their computers. Those planning to upgrade from older versions of Windows (Windows 8 or Windows 7) will be required to pay $119 to acquire the new update.