Apple iPhone 8 concept
Why iPhone 8 could cost over $1000 explained

The next flagship iPhone aka iPhone 8 could cost well over $1000 as reported by Fast Company in its recent post. The publication goes on to describe how the "radical design change" and "premium parts" of the iPhone 8 could push its cost upwards of $1000.

The report citing an unnamed source with "knowledge of Apple's plans" suggests that the upcoming flagship iPhone will feature a smooth and sleek design wherein its Home button and Touch ID sensor are integrated into the display, in line with earlier rumours.

According to the source, Apple is expected to remove all physical buttons including the volume buttons, mute switch, and the Power button in its forthcoming iteration of iPhone. Consequently, the technological prowess of a 3D touch interface embedded into the display will take over the physical buttons in the iPhone 8.

With the proposed addition of a bigger battery, IP68 water resistance, an OLED extended display, and Lumentum's 3D-sensing technology in three glass-back models, the iPhone 8 price will go up further as the OLED alone will cost Apple twice as much as its current LCD panels. Meanwhile, speculation is rife that the 3D-sensing tech could be used for face authentication as an extra layer of security.

"Our source says Apple has been working with Lumentum (formed when JDS Uniphase split in 2014) on 3D-sensing technology for the new high-end phone. It remains unclear how the technology will be applied, however. It could be used to recognize the user's face for authentication. It could also be used in the camera to provide better image resolution. It could even be used in some form of augmented reality application, according to our source," the report explains.

Among other rumoured features, the iPhone 8 is likely to implement wireless charging, besides embracing a bigger display measuring around 5.5 to 5.8 inches.

Meanwhile, rumours abound that the iPhone 8 could be named as 'iPhone X', breaking away from Apple's traditional naming methods for its flagship devices.

[Source: Fast Company]