Planet of the Apes
A scene from 'War for the Planet of the Apes.'

One of the most highly anticipated movies of 2017 is Matt Reeves' 'War for the Planet of the Apes,' the second sequel in the rebooted 'Planet of the Apes' series. The movies deal with plight of simians in a world controlled by humans and how they seek freedom from bondage, abuse and extinction.

Now 20th Century Fox, which is producing the movie, has teamed up with renowned primatologist Jane Goodall to save the real apes facing extinction.

A trailer was released by 20th Century Fox for 'War for the Planet of the Apes' titled 'Compassion' and is narrated by Goodall. At the end of the trailer, it was revealed that the movie studio has partnered with The Jane Goodall Institute to aid in the rehabilitation of Chimpanzees in honour of the new movie.

It was added that a housing facility for the chimps on Tchindzoulou island, Congo will be named "Caesar's Home" after the lead ape character in the series, performed by actor Andy Serkis. The Tchimpounga Sanctuary in Congo, where the housing is located, is a rehabilitation centre for primates, built in 1992 - it is part of the Jane Goodall Institute. It is a safe haven for apes who have been orphaned by bushmeat hunters or from illegal pet trade.

In the trailer, Jane Goodall says, "No one anointed us ruler of this kingdom. It's not ours to own. We are simply one of the animal species on our planet, not separate, not superior. We hold in our hands a responsibility to preserve harmony in the natural world. To demonstrate compassion towards all who call this home. So many living creatures have feelings, know loss, suffer pain. We must understand the mutual dependence between humans and animals. Only if we understand can we care. Only if we care can all be saved."

This is indeed a great message to mankind. We have taken this earth as granted for long. We have used our being at the top of the food chain as an excuse to hunt, kill, use and torture other species for our purpose. The meat industry, the leather industry, circuses, zoos, pet trade and many other industries, big and small rely on exploiting animals for profit, with no room for compassion.

What happened to Harambe, a rare male silverback Gorilla, at the Cincinnati Zoo was extremely unfortunate and shows the dangers to endangered species when humans come in close contact with them. The theme of the movie is similar to it, and addresses the need for compassion, not war. Jane Goodall asks us for compassion - only love and compassion for all life will ensure our own survival, as part of nature because we are not above nature.

Watch the trailer below.