VIXX's Ravi
VIXX's Ravi released the track Bomb, from his first mini-album R.EAL1ZE Facebook/RealVIXX

VIXX's Ravi received backlash for degrading women in his music video. The rapper released the track  Bomb, from his first mini-album R.EAL1ZE.

In the clip, Ravi sits on a couch surrounded by women in bikini. After fans expressed their anger over the video, following which he took to his Twitter account to apologise for the video.

He wrote: "Hello, this is Ravi. I checked that there was controversy of objectifying and degrading women around a scene in the MV of my title song 'Bomb'. I reflect on my actions that I did not realize this could cause a disturbance. I apologize sincerely to those who were bothered. I will be more careful in the future, and work and think about how to make good music and songs. I'm sorry."

Jellyfish Entertainment also issued a statement: "We have been notified that after its release on January 9th 12:00AM, Ravi's solo album title track BOMB's MV, contained scenes that promote hatred against women and objectify them."

"These scenes that have caused such trouble were not intended to be viewed in such a way and it was an unintended result during the process of creating content. We will in the future take more care in creating such content."

"Also the official MV that was supposed to be released on Youtube and music sites will be re-edited to not include those scenes and re-released. We are sorry here at Jellyfish for not being more careful and worrying many fans. We will listen more carefully to the public and work harder from now on," the agency stated.