Essential oils for Skin care
Essential oils are a natural solution to all your skin problems. Pinterest

Whether you have a perfect skin or you suffer from a variety of skin problems, its essential to give an essential oil a place in your skin care shelf. They possess nature's pure essence and restores the lost health and texture of the skin. Essential oils inspire a great emotional state and help in relieving anxiety and stress.

Essential oils are famous for treating skin acne and pigmentation. Although essential oils are used for a multitude of reasons ranging from elevating moods to treating anxiety and aches, they have an unwavering positive effect on our emotional and physical health and are widely used for therapeutic potentials but here we are stressing on their propensity in replenishing and revitalising the skin.

Some extremely essential botanical extracts are listed below. Use them according to the mentioned benefits and see how your rejuvenated skin glows and make heads turn in wonder and amazement.

1. Lavender essential oil

Lavender is one of the most used oils in the world. It has an amazing fragrance and many medicinal benefits too. You can create a spa-like retreat by adding a few drops of Lavender oil into your hot bath. After a long day work, unwind with a soothing lavender-infused neck or back massage.

2. Carrot seed essential oil

It is extracted from the seeds of wild carrots or from the dried plants itself and are enriched with magical skin rejuvenation properties. They treat scars and overnight application will improve the texture of your skin making it smooth and supple.

3. Basil essential oil

Basil oil is ideal for sensitive skin for it has supernatural anti-allergic properties and suits all skin types. It replenishes and enhances the lustre of a dull looking skin. It can also be used to induce hair growth.

4. Ylang Ylang essential oil

Ylang Ylang oil is famous for its use for physical and emotional support of the heart, mind, and body for it comes in a lovely floral fragrance. It absorbs the extra oil from the skin and is a must-have for an acne-prone skin. Another essential oil for all skin types.

5. Frankincense essential oil

Apply Frankincense oil and see the signs of ageing disappear. It makes skin elastic and helps in reducing skin pigmentation. It tones and tightens the skin restoring the vitality of the skin. It has a de-stressing aroma and can be used to treat skin inflammation.