Skin care for Men
Cleansing is the first step to get the good looks you are aiming for. (Pinterest)

If you're among those men who shrug and say skin care regimen is something specifically meant for women then its high time you dropped the airs. In this era of metrosexual male culture when men are meticulous about their grooming and appearance, your thinking could be categorised as outdated.

Pollution, stress, improper diet and lack of sleep can make your skin look dull and grey. Sounds like an advertisement? But its true. Here we are not asking you to apply some specific cream or to hit a nearby men's parlour but to take care of your skin through cleansing and keeping it hydrated. Here are a few tips you can not miss for  they are easy and effortless.

1. Cleansing

You might be already doing that but now you need to do it twice a day. Due to high sebum production which accounts for higher androgen secretions, men have problems like acne and pimples. Regular cleansing is an easy step to begin with.

2. Sunscreen

One biggest difference between the skin of men and women is the texture. Men's skin is thicker than that of their counterparts. But they too suffer from sun damage, skin darkening and pigmentation which calls for a good sunscreen with minimum SPF of 30. So perish or protect, the wise ones know what to choose.

3. Water, water, everywhere!

That's right, whether its good health or good skin, it all begins from water within. Our body is made up of 70 percet of water so lets give in more to get merrier. A hydrated skin glows from within and water works miracles not only for the skin but also for the entire body.

4. Extra care of the Eye area

Men's skin is thicker than that of women but the eye area is an exception. The area around the eyes is delicate and can show early wrinkles if not taken care of. Wipe the eye area with a soft towel with ease. Break out the habit of harshly rubbing the eyes as it could lead to fine lines underneath the sensitive eye area.

5. Exfoliate

Don't let that dead skin stick to your face, exfoliate it for a better look and glow. Scrubbing your skin once a week will surely give you the standout look for it makes your skin breathe. So scrub it on weekends and get good riddance from bad rubbish.