Picture for representation
Henry wearing braids in the music video. Screenshot from 'I'm Good' video

Super Junior M member Henry has issued an apology after netizens criticized and accused him of cultural appropriation for wearing braids in his music video.

He released the music video for "I'm Good" featuring Nafla on June 22 and netizens on YouTube began commenting that it's cultural appropriation.

Henry uploaded a video message on his Facebook account to apologise and say that he loves blacks.

"I know there are a lot of people out there who are really upset and offended with the styling that was done in the video. I apologize and I'm really sorry I offended anybody, especially the Black community," he said, according to AllKPop, which uploaded the now deleted video.

He added, "I know you probably won't believe me but I think this was all just a result of me loving the Black culture and Black community so much."

"I was really naive and I thought that it wouldn't offend anybody and it would just look cool. That's what I thought. And I was wrong. Just to let you guys know that I grew up with black people. Some of my best friends are black even to this day. I just want you to really believe that I never intended to offend anybody. I'm really sorry. And I guess this is just a result of me loving the black community and black culture so much and also the result of my lack of knowledge towards cultural appropriation," Henry further stated.

On YouTube, people defended and criticized Henry.

"Why the f**k ppl loses their shit with his hair when taeyang already had it," one commented.

Another said, "So everybody mad since he wearing his hair in braids? Alright then go ahead and go over to the Taeyang video of Ringa Linga and see if there is hate comments about a FKIN HAIRSTYLE."

Another wrote, "I love you Henry and I'll always will but I don't understand why there's no black people in this video but yah so called love black culture...excuse me. Society has pushed black women to straighten there hair so it can look 'presentable' which is a bunch of bull crap, but yah want to take our braids because it's 'trending' get the out of here with that!"