Star Wars
A still from 'Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back.'

The CEO of Disney, Bob Iger, recently revealed that discussions are going on about the future Star Wars franchise but admitted that they have already scheduled films for further a decade and a half.

Iger didn't get into the details much, but he did admit that the creative team of Lucasfilm have been very busy over the last few weeks as they are trying to figure out where to take the Star Wars universe after Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Star Wars: Episode 9, and the other untitled Han Solo film are released.

According to inquisitr, Iger shared, "We're just starting to talk about what happens to Star Wars after [Episode] 9. It's way too early, and certainly, nothing that I can reveal, but we've got a creative team actually thinking about what could be another decade and a half of Star Wars stories. It's kind of mind-blowing to spend an afternoon with a creative team talking about that. Where could you go, where should we go?" 

On Thursday, the CEO during a talk at the USC's Marshall School Of Business via Slash Film as cited by inquisitr, provided some updates on the Star Wars universe.

Meanwhile, fans are eager to know how the future of the franchise will look like. As Star Wars Episode I – IX was revolving around the Skywalker family, introducing the viewers to Luke Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Leia Organa, Han Solo, and have introduced Rey and Finn- The Last Jedi, and the upcoming ninth film will be revolving around their lives.

Gary Whitta, who wrote the first draft for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, recently admitted, "I think you've already seen us get 90 percent of the way there with Rogue One. Yes you see Leia, yes you see the Death Star and Vader, because those are elements of that story and they belong there, you can't tell that story without those characters. But for the most part, 90% of that story is completely new characters. Completely new planets and places you've never seen before. It's a Star Wars movie with no Jedi! You don't see a lightsaber once until Vader pops it out at the end. It doesn't have any spirituality or mysticism... a little bit through Donnie's character, but it's very different DNA to the Star Wars films that have come before it. I really like the fact that we tried to do something different."