Donald Trump's Asian visit: All you need to know

Donald Trump has begun his Asian trip on November 5, and during this visit, he is expected to strengthen Washington DC's already healthy relationship with Seoul to curb the nuclear threats posed by Pyongyang Nov 4, 2017

Gigantic swarm of bees forces people to duck for cover

A swarm of bees swooped into Sydney and amp;#39;s CBD on 3 November, buzzing the lunchtime rush and attempted to make a home out of a red motorbike. Fortunately for the owner, apiarist or beekeeper Vicky Brown arrived on the scene and removed the queen bee before the colony had settled. Nov 3, 2017

Melania Trump vs Peng Liyuan: How the first ladies of the US and China compare

Donald Trump is expected to meet with the president of China, Xi Jinping on his November trip to Asia, which means the two first ladies are likely to meet again as well. Coming from vastly different cultural backgrounds, the two first ladies have taken up different roles under their husbands presidency, and are influencing the community in their own ways.  Nov 3, 2017

Melania Trump vs Peng Liyuan: How the first ladies of the US and China compare

Donald Trump is expected to meet with the president of China, Xi Jinping on his November trip to Asia, which means the two first ladies are likely to meet again as well. Coming from vastly different cultural backgrounds, the two first ladies have taken up different roles under their husbands and amp;#39; presidency, and are influencing the community in their own ways.  Nov 3, 2017

The deep gender divide in Hollywood

The sexual harassment allegations against Harvey Weinstein and others in Hollywood are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes sexism in the film industry. These startling statistics show that the disparity between gender is deep, engrained and seen little change in recent years.  Nov 3, 2017