The complete footage leading to miniskirt-wearing models arrest an Saudi Arabia

As the world waits to learn the fate of the Saudi Arabian miniskirt-wearing model Khulood, who is currently being held by police in Riyadh, IBTimes UK has collated all of the Snapchat footage that could cost her her freedom.Seen together, the clips tell the story of a young woman enjoying a day out with a friend, not bothering anyone, wearing what she wants. Jul 19, 2017

Two airlifted to safety as cascading floods hit Coverack in Cornwall after thunderstorm

Flash flooding sent water rushing through the streets after severe thunderstorms hit the Cornish village of Coverack on Tuesday, July 18.An elderly couple was rescued from the roof of a house. According to the Mullion Fire Station, firefighters from Mullion and Cornwall Fire and Rescue worked together with the coastguard to airlift the couple from the roof of their home, after they had become trapped by the floods. Jul 19, 2017

Malala condemns China over death of fellow Nobel laureate Liu Xiaobo

Nobel laureate Malala Yousafzai on July 18 condemned Chinas treatment of her fellow peace prize-winner Liu Xiaobo following his death from liver cancer in custody last week. Liu, 61, was jailed for 11 years in 2009 for inciting subversion of state power after he helped write a petition known as Charter 08 calling for sweeping political reforms in China. Jul 19, 2017

Cancer and sex: Managing sexual health and relationships after treatment

Cancer treatments often bring with them a horror show of sexual side effects, from impotence to vaginal shrinkage and dryness. There are also the emotional ramifications patients, their partners and families endure. At least 60 percent of cancer survivors suffer from long-term sexual problems, and fewer than 20 percent get the help they need to lead fulfilling sex lives. Jul 19, 2017