Articles by Staff Reporter
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Trump fuming over top aides

As President Trump moves from one crisis to another, he has unleashed his temper on cabinet members and top aides at the White House, and may be on a collision course with his Chief of Staff, John Kelly. Sep 2, 2017

New bee beard record set in Toronto

Juan Carlos Noguez Ortiz sat with bees on his face for more time than anyone else and claimed the Guinness World record for his terrifying feat.  Sep 2, 2017

Is Trump still obsessed with Hillary Clinton? The president is still tweeting about her

Its been 297 days since the presidential election, and President Donald Trump is still tweeting about his Democratic opponent, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. On Friday morning, Trump tweeted, Wow, looks like James Comey exonerated Hillary Clinton long before the investigation was over...and so much more. A rigged system! Sep 2, 2017

Deadly floods around the world amid Hurricane Harveys devastation in US

Texas is not the only place hit by deadly flooding after Hurricane Harveys brutal beatdown. Countries in South Asia, including Nepal, India and Bangladesh, as well as Nigeria and Sierra Leone in Africa were victims of historic flooding after heavy rains lashed the regions during the monsoon season, killing as many as 1,200 in South Asia and leaving many displaced in Africa. Sep 2, 2017

Kenyas Supreme Court invalidates election results

The Supreme Court court nullified the re-election of sitting Kenyan president Uhuru Kenyatta. The court cited irregularities in the elections, affecting the integrity of the results and have called for new elections within 60 days. Sep 2, 2017

Man shoots wife to prove bulletproof tank top works

Colombian fashion designer Miguel Caballero is selling his bullet proof clothes in the US, and his marketing strategy is certainly attention grabbing. Caballero shot his wife in a live demonstration to prove that his designs work. Sep 1, 2017

Man shoots wife to prove bulletproof tank top works

Colombian fashion designer Miguel Caballero is selling his bullet proof clothes in the US, and his marketing strategy is certainly attention grabbing. Caballero shot his wife in a live demonstration to prove that his designs work. Sep 1, 2017

Man encounters shark while swimming from police

A man who was stopped by North Carolina police for carrying illegal contraband in his car on August 30, fled from authorities on foot before diving into the ocean, where he was trailed by a large shark.  Sep 1, 2017

Man encounters shark while swimming from police

A man who was stopped by North Carolina police for carrying illegal contraband in his car on August 30, fled from authorities on foot before diving into the ocean, where he was trailed by a large shark.  Sep 1, 2017

Amazing animals rescues during storm Harvey

Storm Harvey caused severe flooding in Texas, leaving thousands of animals stranded when their owners fled the water. Luckily, some volunteers and courageous passer-byes managed to rescue some of the pets. But the flooding also brought unwelcome animal visitors like alligators to peoples backyards. Sep 1, 2017