Articles by Staff Reporter
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Four royals who gave up the crown for love

Princess Mako of Japan officially delcared this week she is giving up her royal status to marry a commoner. But she is not the only royal to have given up her title for love.Bearing the crown often means the state interfering with who you can and cannot marry which has led some to take off the crown for good.   Sep 9, 2017

The horrifying ways North Korea treats its own people

North Korea is one of the most repressive authoritarian states in the world. A 2014 United Nations Commission of Inquiry report on human rights in North Korea stated that systematic, widespread, and gross human rights violations committed by the government included murder, enslavement, torture, imprisonment, rape, forced abortion, and other sexual violence, and constituted crimes against humanity. Sep 9, 2017

Who Is Jacob Rees-Mogg?

The North East Somerset MP has been tipped by many to become the next leader of the Conservative Party, and despite some controversial views has risen to the forefront of UK politics in recent months. Sep 9, 2017

Is private investment the future of NGO funding?

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is currently building three much needed physical rehabilitation centers in Mali, Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of Congo, all of which are funded by the recently launched Humanitarian Impact Bonds. These work by gaining initial funds from private investors to build and develop the centers over a five year period. The ICRC then receives money from various governments and organizations depending on the success of this, which is in turn given back to the investors, ideally at a profit. Sep 8, 2017

Is private investment the future of NGO funding?

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is currently building three much needed physical rehabilitation centers in Mali, Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of Congo, all of which are funded by the recently launched Humanitarian Impact Bonds. These work by gaining initial funds from private investors to build and develop the centers over a five year period. The ICRC then receives money from various governments and organizations depending on the success of this, which is in turn given back to the investors, ideally at a profit. Sep 8, 2017

Florida man pulls gun on motorist waiting at gas station before Hurricane Irma hits

A man got out of his vehicle and pointed a gun at the windshield of another car at a gas station in Miami, Florida, as motorists waited in line to get gas ahead of Hurricane Irma. According to the person who filmed this video, a line of cars was waiting to fill up at the gas station. The man got out of his vehicle, irate, and pointed a gun at the other car. Sep 8, 2017

Deadly earthquake hits southern Mexico

An earthquake of magnitude 8.1 struck off the southern coast of Mexico late on Sept. 7, killing at least five people, triggering small tsunami waves and damaging some buildings. The epicenter was 54 miles (87km) southwest of the town of Pijijiapan in the southern state of Chiapas, at a depth of 43 miles. Sep 8, 2017

MoneyBack data leak

Credit card data, passports, travel information and more of nearly half a million people were exposed. Security researchers discovered that the leaky database was linked to a leading Mexican tax-refund provider MoneyBack. The top passports identified were of citizens of the US, Canada, Argentina, Colombia, Italy, among others Sep 8, 2017

What is Slack ?

Slack is the leading office communication tool currently being used by 5 million users globally. Sep 8, 2017

Kayaking boosts kids mental health, says worlds best teacher

Maggie MacDonnell, the winner of the 2017 $1m Varkey Foundation Global Teacher Prize, has visited the U.K. for the first time to demonstrate the vital importance of physical exercise in improving young peoples mental wellbeing. MacDonnell, who hails from Nova Scotia, Canada, took school children from inner-city London kayaking, a traditional Inuit activity, on the waters of the River Thames at London Docklands. Sep 8, 2017

Uber taxis petrol-bombed in South Africa

A feud between Uber drivers and metered taxi drivers turned the streets of Johannesburgs most affluent neighbourhoods into a battleground on Thursday evening, 7 September. Sep 8, 2017

UK PM Theresa May defends response to Hurricane Irma

The UK has come in for criticism from some over the response to the damage caused by Irma. Former U.K. EU representative for Anguilla Dorothea Hodge told The Guardian the speed of response has been absolutely disgraceful. However May has defended her government, saying we have taken action. We moved swiftly. Sep 8, 2017