Galaxy Note 7
Refurbished Galaxy Note 7 details leak ahead of launch

The Galaxy Note 7 fiasco concerning its unexpected and widespread battery explosions still seems fresh in our memories, while Samsung has already announced its third attempt at selling its ill-fated Note 7 units as refurbished or recycled models soon. The company had twice recalled its infamous flagship device earlier, after reports of it catching fire became evident across the globe.

The company has reportedly decided to sell the old Note 7s as refurbished units just to "reduce and minimize any environmental impact."

Close on the heels of Samsung announcing its plans for launching recycled Note 7 units, freshly leaked price and battery specification details for the refurbished variant has surfaced online via Chinese microblogging site Weibo.

The leak suggests the refurbished Note 7 will be selling at a $300 price tag and ship with a reduced battery capacity of 3200 or 3000mAh to prevent the device from overheating and catching fire, due to the inconsistent battery size of 3500mAh battery, which was included earlier with the flagship handset.

According to Samsung's recent official statement to The Verge, the company plans to re-release the Note 7 with a different name and a bit newer technical specification. Furthermore, the company has confirmed that it will not be providing refurbished Note 7 units for rent or sale in the US, but it will collaborate with local regulators and carriers to sell the device.

[Source: Samsung]