Sony PS4 Pro
PS4 Pro will get Boost Mode feature for enhancing FPS and load times on older games

Sony has just started rolling out a beta version of the forthcoming 4.50 firmware update for PlayStation 4 (PS4) consoles, while the PS4 Pro model will be getting an exclusive Boost Mode feature for enhancing the FPS and load times on older PS4 games. Anyone with access to PS4 Pro and the 4.50 beta firmware will be able to play original PS4 games at increased frame rates and quicker load times due to a boost in GPU and CPU clock speed.

According to The Verge quoting Sony's recent statement, the Boost Mode "lets PS4 run at a higher GPU and CPU speed in order to improve gameplay on some PS4 games that were released before the launch of PS4 Pro."

It must be noted that the Boost Mode will not have any impact on newer games released on PS4 Pro as it only affects last-gen game titles released for the PS4. Sony has also cautioned gamers to beware of potential issues while playing some older games with Boost Mode enabled and in such scenarios, it would be a wise option to disable the option and trying again.

It is also reported that you might be running your PS4 Pro on peak load when the Boost Mode is turned on, which could eventually overheat your processor and cause system crash or freezing issues. In all such instances, you could try turning off the Boost Mode and let the device run cooler for some time.

[Source: The Verge]