Sony PlayStation 4 Neo
Sony PS4 Neo specs and release details confirmed via leaked documents

Freshly leaked internal Sony documents confirm beyond all reasonable doubts that the PlayStation Neo will be the next PS4 game console releasing in the market as a direct competitor to Microsoft's Xbox One S, which was unveiled in this year's E3 along with a limited edition Gears of War 4 bundle.

The 42-page leaked internal document not only confirms PlayStation Neo's technical specs, but also discloses the company's target audience and the likely release window. The NEO is being focused at tech-savvy individuals with a 4K TV to facilitate virtual reality and high-resolution gaming with utmost visual clarity.

The internal documents have precisely confirmed several specifications of the next-gen PS4 console including the highly-rumoured 8GB RAM and the two game compatibility modes: 'Base' and 'NEO'. The leak also confirms its launch for spring 2017 while the actual public release is still unknown.

Meanwhile, several reports confirm that the Japanese company had no intentions of sharing this information with the public and so it decidedly withdrew the documents from the source of the leak.