Turkeys Erdogan addresses rallies to mark first anniversary of failed coup

One year after the failed coup Turks gathered for a commemorative event in Istanbul. Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan opened a memorial on 15 July Martyrs Bridge.More than 240 people died before the military coup was shut down. A far-reaching crackdown after the coup has impacted Turkish society. Around 150,000 people were fired and 50,000 detained for having a supposed connection to the coup. Critics accuse Erdogan of using the state of emergency to target opposition leaders and journalists. Jul 16, 2017

Hyperloop sled levitates off track in latest test in Nevada

A sled on wheels levitated above a set of tracks in a vacuum-sealed tube at 70 miles per hour (113 km/h) in the Nevada desert, said the company Hyperloop One. The company has raised $160 million in funding and has touted the technology and amp;#39;s potential as a rapid-transit option. Jul 14, 2017

Watch military band play Daft Punk medley for Macron and unimpressed Trump

Following a tribute to the victims of the Nice terror attack exactly one year ago, a military band treated French President Emmanuel Macron and visiting U.S. President Donald Trump to a Daft Punk medley.During the parade marking Bastille Day, it played the bands greatest hits including Get Lucky and Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger. Macron seemed to enjoy the surprise performance while Trump appeared unimpressed. Jul 14, 2017

Trump says he and Putin get along very, very well

US President Donald Trump said that his lengthy meeting with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany, was a good sign in the relations between both the countries. The two sides can work together on issues like the ceasefire in Syria, he said in an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network on 12 July. The president said he gets along very, very well with Putin and that it doesnt make sense not to have some kind of a relationship with Russia. Jul 13, 2017

Donald Trump: Vladimir Putin wanted Hillary Clinton, not me as US president

Donald Trump said he was sure that his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin would have preferred Hillary Clinton, his Democrat rival, to win the White House. The US president was speaking with Pat Robertson on the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) on 12 July. Trump said that his interest in military spending and energy independence for the U.S. would in fact be anathema to Putin and his interests. Jul 13, 2017

Donald Trump defends his son after email revelations show meeting with Kremlin-linked lawyer

Donald Trump Jr. released a number of emails on Twitter on 11 July, showing that he met with a Kremlin-linked lawyer to discuss information about then presidential candidate rival Hillary Clinton. Trump Sr. has since released a statement defending his 39-year-old son, saying he is a high quality person and applauding his transparency in releasing the emails. Jul 12, 2017