John McCain returns to Senate floor to make impassioned speech

John McCain, the influential Republican Senator and former presidential candidate who announced recently that he is battling an aggressive form of brain cancer, made an impassioned appearance on July 25. McCain called on more bipartisanship from colleagues on both sides of the aisle. Jul 26, 2017

US House of Representatives pass sanctions bill

he U.S. House of Representatives voted to slap more sanctions on Russia, Iran, and North Korea. The bill defies President Trumps objections to such legislation but was backed by Republicans and Democrats alike. The bill still needs to pass through the Senate before getting to the White House for Trump to sign or veto. The House-passed bill would codify into law existing sanctions on Russia. New sanctions would be imposed upon  Iran for their ballistic missile development. While North Koreas shipping industry and use of slave labor would be targeted for the countrys nuclear and missile programs. The White House says President Trump has not yet considered vetoing or signing the bill into law. Jul 26, 2017

US Navy has its first ever female SEAL candidate

The US Navy has its first ever female SEAL candidate. The unnamed woman still faces Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL training which is designed to be extremely mentally and physically demanding. This news comes a little over a year after the Pentagon declared women may fight in combat. According to the Navy, the enlisted SEAL attrition rate is about 74%. But this trailblazer is paving the way for future female officers. Jul 22, 2017

Despacito singers condemn Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduros use of hit song as Propaganda

Maduros version of the Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee song asks Venezuelans to vote in favour of an assembly to rewrite the countrys constitution. After the cover was revealed on July 23, both artists slammed the use of the song, as well as the Venezuelan government itself. Rapper Daddy Yankee wrote on Instagram on 24 July : That you illegally appropriate a song does not compare with the crimes you commit and have committed in Venezuela. Jul 25, 2017

Jared Kushner: I did not collude with Russia

Jared Kushner says he did not collude with any foreign governments during the 2016 election. Kushner is testifying in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee on Monday in relation to the Russia probe. He released a statement prior to his testimony, claiming that he did not know the purpose of the June 2016 meeting with Russian lawyer Natalia V. Veselnitskaya, during which the Trump campaign hoped to obtain damaging information on opponent Hillary Clinton. President Trumps son-in-law and senior adviser distanced himself from the meeting. Kushner says he was invited to the meeting by his brother-in-law, Donald Trump Jr., but did not read Trumps email and tried leaving the meeting after he arrived. Donald Trump Jr. is also expected to testify in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee. Jul 25, 2017

Donald Trump rolls his eyes, shushes reporter at White House

U.S. President Donald Trump told Associated Press reporter Catherine Lucey to be quiet on Monday after she called out two questions to the president while he was posing for a group photograph with outgoing White House interns. Jul 25, 2017

Anthony Scaramucci is Donald Trumps new White House communications director

Wall Street financier Anthony Scaramucci is the new White House communications director. The position has been empty since the resignation of Mike Dubke in May. Scaramucci is a longtime supporter and major donor of Trump, and was a member on his transition team during the 2016 election. Known to his friends as Mooch, Scaramucci has made multiple TV appearances defending Trump during the election, after raising funds for Scott Walker and Jeb Bush during the primaries. Prior to joining Trumps team, Scaramucci was a hedge fund manager, and a longtime Republican party fundraiser. He was a self-proclaimed top fundraiser for Mitt Romney in 2012. Jul 22, 2017

Sean Spicer resigns as White House press secretary

White House press secretary Sean Spicer has resigned. Spicer reportedly stepped down after opposing the appointment of Anthony Scaramucci as the administrations new communications director. Spicer vehemently objected to Scaramuccis appointment, saying it was a major mistake. Twitter was quick to respond to the news. Jul 22, 2017