Pokemon GO: Nearby Pokemon Tracking feature
Pokemon GO: Nearby Tracking feature expands to new locations in US

Niantic Labs has finally rolled out a new Pokemon GO update that expands Nearby Pokemon Tracking feature to new locations in the US including parts of Arizona, the Seattle area of Washington State, and the San Francisco Bay area. The pocket monsters can now be discovered in some remote parts of the US as the new Pokemon GO update unlocks Nearby Pokemon tracking feature to trainers outside of the San Francisco test area.

As this seems to be a server-side update, it will enable trainers across these new locations to easily figure out the common spawn points and nesting locations of some rare Pokemons in the local environment, using the updated tracker.

As Redmond Pie reports, the update also includes the necessary fixes for the erratic and often inaccurate Pokemon-footprint information displayed with the original tracker in the augmented-reality game.

There seems to have been a glitch in the previous release wherein the tracker would fail to show how far away the Pokemon was, despite the footprints repeatedly leading the trainer to a certain location on the map.

Niantic pushed a temporary fix in August which linked the last known location of the Pokemon to the nearest Pokestop on the map. Thereby the trainers would get a better idea about the probable hiding spots of their favourite Pokemon. However, this didn't resolve the problem as players started facing more issues.

At the moment, the Nearby feature is constrained to a select few users residing in and around San Francisco. This could be a major blow to all those aspiring fans of Pokemon GO as the limited expansion does not suffice the purpose.

It is clearly evident that Niantic Labs is presently focusing on evaluating the new Nearby feature in pre-designated test areas, before releasing it to the worldwide Pokemon community.