Produce 101
Still from the finale of Produce 101 on April 5 2016 Facebook/Produce101

The producer and department head of Produce 101 has extended an apology for using inappropriate words to describe the reality girl group survival show. Reportedly, Han Dong Chul, called the show wholesome pornography, which triggered resentment among the fans.

However, in his defence, Dong Chul released an apology stating that he has been misunderstood. The official note reads, "I am shocked and apologetic for the big misunderstanding caused by the words that I just used for expression. The way the words were misunderstood does not reflect my original intention."

"I am sorry for causing trouble because of my error in not thinking more carefully about what I say in reflection of what the original intention is. In light of this incident, I promise to be more cautious about my words," he further added.

Dong Chul's, in his previous interview with High Cut magazine, stated that the reason they chose to attempt a girl's reality show because they wanted to attract male viewership, thereby comparing the show with pornography. When asked if Produce 101 will make a male version, the producer replied: "If a program is solid and organized well, people, regardless of gender watch it."

"The reason why we did the female version first is, I don't know how to express it. It was from the thought that we needed to create wholesome pornography for males (laughs). If you look at the contestants, they look like your younger sister or niece but aren't they cute? I wanted to make that style of pornography," he told in an interview to High Cut magazine.

Meanwhile, broadcasting channel, Mnet, also jumped in to shield Dong Chul. The airing network urged people to not to take the literal meaning of the statement. They told local news channel, Biz Enter, that the producer in real sense meant that the show offers "such powerful content that you can't take your eyes off of it."