Pangu Janus iOS 10.3.1 jailbreak
Pangu team apparently showcase iOS 10.3.1 jailbreak

Avid iOS jailbreakers are in for some exciting news as some fresh images showcasing a jailbroken iPhone 7 on iOS 10.3.1 have surfaced online via Chinese microblogging site Weibo. Although the details are extremely scarce and unverified, the news has been sourced from a popular iOS security researcher and hacker, Min Zheng, who has the reputation of attending jailbreak conferences in the past.

Janus conference stage

The Janus conference which recently took place at the Mercedes Benz Arena on Expo Avenue in Shanghai, adds further credence to this theory as the event seemed to be a private affair and not open to the public.

It is being rumoured that the jailbreak is compatible with iOS 10.3- 10.3.1 and not on older firmware like iOS 10.2 or iOS 10.2.1. The report further adds that only 64-bit devices are supported by this jailbreak while there is no word on the 32-bit devices.

Janus conference ticket

Meanwhile, a Twitter user who has reportedly attended the jailbreak conference, had this to tweet:

We are working with PP Assistant company. If agreed, within a week released 10.3-10.3.1 jailbreak.

Although the leaked conference image showing an iPhone 7 being jailbroken on iOS 10.3.1 seems genuine, the tweet from a strange user does not merit any confidence. So, this leak should be taken with a pinch of salt as Pangu team has not announced anything publicly about its ensuing development work for iOS 10 jailbreak or its likely release date.

[Source: iDownloadBlog]