Suzy Bae for Didier Dubot
Suzy Bae posing for Didier Dubot Facebook/MissA.SuzyB

Miss A's Suzy on the latest episode of Off the Rec. Suzy revealed about her notes from pre-debut era and how it changed after she made her debut. On the latest episode of the show, Suzy's stored up notes and scripts before her debut through JYP Entertainment, on which she has worked on over the years, were shown to the fans.

While looking through those notes and scripts, Suzy smiled and recollected all the pieces she has worked on and got really excited when she found two particular notebooks.One of those two books had notes from her trainee period and comments, like "accentuate" and "lessen vibration", on the English songs she practiced. These notes reminded her of the time when she was practised a lot and got scolded often. 

While flipping the pages, she also found an old autograph from 2PM's Nickhun when she was a trainee.

The other book was after miss A's debut and the notes in the notebook were much more organized and focused than the previous one. These notes were mostly feedback for her performance on "Goodbye Baby" and many other songs.

There were comments like "Don't make it so obvious that you're tired, think of others who are also tired", "think of the fans", "work on your expressions", "raise your shoulders", "don't blink too much" and "My lack of practice will show on the real stage. I haven't been practicing my facial expressions recently. So now they look sh*tty," made the singer laugh out loud.

Apart from these, other notes included comments like "enjoy being exhausted", "reduce how much ice tea you drink", "don't spend too much money", "practice whenever you have the time (practice until you have to go to the hospital)".

Well, these notes are a proof that the young singer came a pretty long way to reach where she is today and the notes took Suzy down the memory lane and she laughed hysterically at her own writings.