Naruto Shippuden
Naruto Shippuden (Twitter)

The anime series Naruto Shippuden is scheduled to restart on Thursday, December 1, 2016. The series will be starting with episode 484, after a break. As the fans know, the series is now featuring character epilogues. This December, it will start with Sasuke's story which is based on the Book of Sunrise.

According to Movie News Guide, "a host of other characters had episodes dedicated to them apart from Sasuke. Three of Naruto Hiden and Shinden epilogue novels made way into the anime series."

"The three character epilogues are, Shikamaru's Story: A Cloud Drifting in Silent Darkness, Konoha's [Hidden] Story: The Perfect Day for a Wedding, Sasuke's Story: Sasuke Shinden: Book of Sunrise," it added.

The highly anticipated sequel to the Naruto franchise is Boruto Arc. With Boruto's exclusive screening in the Jump Festa, it is confirmed that fans wouldn't have to wait too long for Boruto arc, as it is on its way. The continuation of the series with the next generation is something to look forward to.

Though not much is known about the upcoming series, according to the reports, the anime series will be based on Boruto's adventures and it will be focusing on Team Konohamaru and Moegi. And, Sasuke will also be making an appearance. Apart from this, not much is known about Boruto arc.

According to itechpost, there are rumors that Boruto will have its own adaptation but then there is no official announcement about it yet. But then, efforts to prolong "Naruto Shippuden," certainly suggest that Boruto will be a continuation and it may come out by next year winter.

On the other hand, according to the reports of Mobile N Apps, Naruto Shippuden episodes will soon spill over to a game, and it will be known as Ultimate Ninja Storm 4: Road To Boruto.