Suzy Bae posing for Didier Dubot
Suzy Bae posing for Didier Dubot Facebook/MissA.SuzyB

Miss A's Suzy Bae recently revealed her fears in the latest episode of Off The Record, Suzy. In the latest episode which aired on Feb. 8, Wednesday, Suzy, the girl friend of Lee Min Ho, admitted to a friend that there are some disadvantages of being a celebrity but she does not regret it.

On Off The Record, Suzy already revealed a lot about her which the fans had no idea about earlier. In the prior episode, Suzy revealed about her ideal man after she was drunk and also revealed that she can drink a lot and does not get drunk easily.

Prior to that, Suzy Bae revealed about her first kiss and many other personal details of her life. Suzy Bae also mentioned about her career, life and the constant struggles she has to face being a celebrity.

The Lee Min Ho girl friend said that she had "so much to lose and so much to be worried about, so I'm scared of so much." To explain Suzy revealed how she started at a young age and this may be one of the reasons as to why she is more successful than others in the same field. She also said that she has also received a lot of love.

Suzy has already achieved a lot and believes that she still has a long way to go and this is not the end for her. However, she revealed that she feared that she will get tired of all of it. And, if she does get tired, she could lose everything that she worked so hard for.

Off the Record reveals another side of Miss A's Suzy, the side people don't know of, revealing personal details of the star and what kind of life it has been for the star. 

In earleir episodes, Suzy Bae had opened up about her long term relationship with actor Lee Min Ho.