Lim Chang Jung
Still from Lim Chang Jung's 2006 movie, Miracle on 1st Street. Facebook

South Korean actor and singer Lim Chang Jung has been found to be dating. In a recent media report, it was revealed that the Twilight Gangsters actor is dating a woman who is 18 years younger to him.

According to Allkpop, Chang Jung's lady love is the same woman who appears in a grilled chicken commercial with the actor. She is the one who appears in the advertisement with her hands linked to another man while entering the joint. The unknown woman has also done a cameo in Jung's latest released MV, The Love I committed.

Meanwhile, the All for Love actor has shown an amazement on his dating news reaching so late into the media. The 42-year-old relayed that he had been openly dating his non-celebrity girlfriend from quite some time. He told new1xtar: "I didn't intentionally try to hide the fact that I'm dating. We've been going around publicly for a couple of months, so I was a bit surprised to see that the articles came out just now. The woman in the photograph in my MV is my actual partner. She is a yoga instructor in her late 20s and is not a celebrity."

On the other side, Jung's agency has also confirmed the news by saying: "It's true that Lim Chang Jung is in a relationship with a non-celebrity. She is the woman in the photo seen in his recently released MV 'The Love I Committed.'"