Lee Min Ki
Actor Lee Min Ki played a main lead in the hit Korean movie, Spellbound Facebook

Actor Lee Min Ki has come out clean in a sexual assault and abuse case. The 31-year-old, who is currently on military enlistment, had been slapped with molestation charges earlier this year.

As per a Sports Chosun report, Min Ki was accused of forcing a woman into physical relationship at a club in Busan back in February. The alleged victim claimed that the actor-turned singer raped and sexually harassed her.

However, the actor's representative affirmed on July 14 that the Min Ki has been proved innocent after the careful investigation by the police. The staffers also affirmed that the accuser admitted to her mistake, and even apologised to the singer.

Elaborating on the whole incident, Min Ki's representative told the media outlet: "It is true that Lee Min Ki went to a club in Busan. It is also true that there was a misunderstanding that led him to go through an investigation. Lee Min Ki actively participated for the case, and the woman who reported him later admitted to making a mistake, and even apologized. He was ultimately found innocent."

The agency also appealed fans not to judge the actor in a misleading way. The official said: "We believe the investigation is still ongoing with others who were also accused of sexual assault that night. Please, refrain from making speculations that can lead to careless misunderstandings. We hope Lee Min Ki will not have to suffer from irrelevant accusations."