
Netflix has released the analysis of viewing data of millions of their subscribers worldwide. The data threw light on the peak viewing hours based on weekday viewing, and also the hours certain genres peaked in relation to the genre's overall share of daily viewing. The nature of TV is changing; viewers now decide what they would like for breakfast and what they would like for supper.

Cindy Holland, Vice President of Original Content said, "For years our lives had to fit around television, now it's the other way around."

Holland further added, "We've given consumers control and it's interesting to see the behaviours that emerge when viewers aren't tied to a schedule. And even more so to see that these routines are replicated by millions the world over."

For Singaporeans, late nights are for supper and binge-watching. Viewers fit TV watching around their daily lives, rather than the other way around, so the peak streaming is as late as 10PM in Singapore, South Korea and Malaysia.

Dose of laughter is good with the morning coffee:  

It is possibly easy and convenient to watch popular parodies to stir laughs bright. Analysis says, members are 34% more likely to watch comedy compared to the rest of the day, with the new comedy wake-up block including the likes of Bojack Horseman, Stephanie Tanner (Fuller House) and Jane Villanueva (Jane the Virgin).

Drama is best to be reserved for the lunch:

When the schedules are set by people and not the showrunners, drama is best to be served at lunch. Across the world, drama accounts for nearly half (47%) of viewing between noon and 2PM (an increase of 5% compared to the rest of the day) to the likes of Orange is the New Black, Narcos and Sherlock.

Evening snack and thrillers go hand in hand:

 Thrillers like Stranger Things and Breaking Bad are being enjoyed more in the evening that any part of the day. Analysis reveals that globally the genre sees a 27% increase come 9PM.

Learning is better at late night:

Viewers prefer Chef's Table for midnight as globally, 15% of streaming happens between midnight and 6AM and rises as high as 21% in Japan and South Korea. Documentaries see a rise of 24% during this time which includes titles like Abstract, Making a Murderer and Planet Earth.