Katherine Heigl
Katherine Heigl says that her life isn't perfect! Pinterest

Katherine Heigl confesses that her life isn't perfect. The very popular American actress said in an interview that she used to constantly strive for perfection, an elusive goal on which she has given up.

The 'Izzie Stevens' of Grey's Anatomy is a mother of two adorable daughters, Naleigh and Adalaide-eight and four-year-old respectively and one five- month old son, Joshua. Although she appreciated her husband, Josh Kelly for being an amazing father but she has also realised at the same time that 'perfection' is the word that will always elude her.

The film producer and former fashion model told Closer magazine, "Life isn't perfect - parenthood is far from perfect - but we all try to emulate that. When I was younger, I stroke for perfection a lot, but now that's just not feasible."

''Women can beat themselves up so much over this but there has to come a point where you say, 'I can only do so much at one time.' When I'm working, it's time away from the family, and when I'm with my family that's a choice to keep me away from my job", the actress added. She also expressed her freedom by saying that she has stopped worrying about the image that she is portraying on social media.

''Does anyone ever put a bad - and when I say bad, I mean real, unfiltered, not-posed-in-a-gorgeous-rosy-hue - photo on Instagram? It rarely happens - the pursuit of perfection has gotten out of hand.
'It can drive you crazy. And I'm guilty of it - I've used filters and I wanted a pose to accentuate my best side. But now I just want to upload a cute picture with my children, even if there's an extra chin in there - who cares?," Katherine explained.

"Fortunately I have an amazing husband, who is the greatest support and the best dad. We're a team - we work really well together and I don't take any of that for granted. Josh is only a baby and it's tough with the diapers and sleepless nights but I've got my little army of helpers - they've been great. That's why you have older kids!'', the 38-year old actress explained.