Jessica Jung
Jessica Instagram

Nearly three years after being ousted from Girls' Generation, Jessica Jung still celebrates her debut with the group but as a solo singer.

Jessica debuted as member of Girls' Generation on August 5, 2007 and she and the group are both celebrating their tenth anniversary this year.

"Time has passed too fast, so I cannot believe this. I feel proud of myself," Jessica told Yonhap News.

Now under Coridel Entertainment, Jessica released the album "My Decade" on Aug. 9 to mark her own anniversary.

"I remember the moments when I debuted the most, and I also remember when I first started singing alone feeling like I was going to debut again. I think people cannot forget everything they did for the first time (in their life)," she said.

Jessica has released three solo albums since last year but up to now, she is unable to perform her songs on Korean TV music shows.

Despite the hardships, Jessica still has fond memories of Girls' Generation.

"They were unforgettable and beautiful times for me and I had so many hard but good times together (with them)," she said. "I learned that I need to control what I want to say and behave as well as have patience while working in the entertainment scene. I think people grow naturally as they get older."

Along with being a solo singer, Jessica tried to change her image.

"I've since tried to show what makes me look really like me rather than my painted image. I wanted to create a natural and comfortable look instead of using long (fake) eyelashes and a blusher. I don't want to totally abandon my existing image but would like to keep frankly disclosing a bit more of myself in the future," she said.

Now 28, Jessica said she feels responsibility towards young singers.

"I feel responsibility because they watch how their seniors work. That's why I think my 30s are more important... I like my 30s, when I can become more seasoned," she said.