iPhone 3GS untethered bootrom exploit
iPhone 3GS gets untethered bootrom exploit for permanent jailbreaking capability Twitter

Avid jailbreakers with iPhone 3GS are in for some exciting news as a Twitter user 'axi0mX' has released a new untethered bootrom exploit for the device with permanent jailbreaking capability. The exploit reportedly brings an unpatchable vulnerability along the lines of limera1n, which enables jailbreakers to gain total control of their device forever.

The new jailbreak exploit touted as 'alloc8' uses a vulnerability in the malloc function in the bootrom. The details of the exploit and its functional use can be read on axi0mX's GitHub page that also includes a detailed write-up concerning the exploit in action.

As iDownloadBlog reports, the bootrom exploits are too powerful and versatile as they work at the low level system, enabling users to upgrade, downgrade, perform untethered jailbeaking or install any custom firmware with ease.

In other words, bootrom exploits mean total freedom for jailbreakers as they can only be patched by a hardware update and not through any firmware updates.

The first such bootrom exploit for iPhone 3GS was released by 24Kpwn which was later patched by Apple with a refreshed bootrom release. However, the new bootrom exploit works fine on both the old and new versions of the iPhone 3GS bootrom.

Given the end of support-life-cycle for the 3GS handset, Apple will not be able to patch up or release new revisions of the bootrom for the device as it's no longer working on its hardware or chipset.

Although the ability to jailbreak an iPhone 3GS may not sound too useful at this moment, it may open new avenues for jailbreaking newer iOS devices.

Interested users may definitely go ahead and try the new jailbreak exploit on their iPhone 3GS and check if it works for their device.

Meanwhile, veterans of the jailbreak community have already confirmed an untethered downgrade to iOS 3.1.3, using the bootrom exploit. Here's what they have tweeted:

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