Installing ROMs on a jailbroken Apple TV
How to install ROMs on a jailbroken Apple TV via iPhone

Avid iOS jailbreakers are in for some good news as an industrious tipster @otishuff has revealed a quick and easy way to install ROMs on jailbroken Apple TV using just an iPhone and a free Dropbox account.

Unlike the traditional method, you no longer need a computer to complete the installation process as the ROM can be directly uploaded to your Apple TV via your iPhone.


  • An iOS device or an iPhone that supports file transfers to an Apple TV
  • A jailbroken Apple TV
  • Access to a free Dropbox account
  • The official Dropbox app must be preinstalled on the iOS device before you proceed

Steps to install ROMs on a jailbroken Apple TV via iPhone

  • Download any pre-owned or freeware ROM such as the D+Pad Hero to your iOS device by clicking on the download link and then choosing the "Open in" option at the top-left corner of the screen.
  • A contextual menu will pop-up on the screen and you will see the 'Save to Dropbox' option on the bottom row.
  • Just click on the option if it's available, else ensure that Dropbox app is installed and you are signed into the app. Now click the More icon at the bottom of the window and ensure 'Save to Dropbox' option is enabled.
  • After selecting the Save to Dropbox option, just browse and choose the preferred location where you want to save the .zip file. You can create a new folder and rename it as "My Dropbox" where you can save this file.
  • Now you need to ensure that the Apple TV is running the import server. Launch provenance and select Import ROMs from the right-hand corner of the screen using the Siri remote.
  • Wait until a URL/IP address appears on the screen with a message saying "Web server started!"
  • The IP address is the exact location to which you should point the browser on your iOS device and you will be taken to the Provenance upload screen.
  • Now scroll through the page and navigate to the ROMs directory.
  • Then select upload > choose Dropbox as the source and locate the .zip file which you downloaded earlier to your preferred folder. Alternatively, use the search toolbar to locate the file and you are all set.
  • Return to the Apple TV message screen (see above) and click on Stop button to quit the server. At this moment, the newly installed ROM should appear on the Provenance app's home screen and it will be ready to play.

For further assistance, check out the video tutorial below:

[Source: iDownloadBlog]