
California-based gaming firm Razer, which showcased its three-screen gaming laptop prototype titled Project Valerie to the world at CES in Las Vegas, said that the laptops have gone missing from its tech show booth.

Company CEO Min-Liang Tan wrote on his Facebook pag: "I've just been informed that two of our prototypes were stolen from our booth at CES today." He further said in the post that "It is cheating, and cheating doesn't sit well with us."

"Anyone who would do this clearly isn't very smart," he added. The post hinted that it was a potential industrial espionage and it is being taken "very seriously". Razer at CES 2017 had unveiled their new Chroma projector, named Project Ariana, and a three-screened laptop with working title of Project Valerie.

Project Valerie, which is a prototype, features a laptop with three 17.3-inch 4K IGZO screens, which in normal mode are stacked on top of each. When it enters the immersive mode, two of the screens slide out to the sides with aluminum hinges to hold it in place. It packs a powerful Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 GPU and is expected to revolutionize and spearhead how the future of gaming would be.

Razer is now offering $25,000 (£20,600) for any "original information leading to the identification, arrest and conviction" of those involved in the theft. As Tan said in his post "This reward offer is good for one year from the date it is first offered, unless extended by Razer. Information about the theft can be sent to legal@razerzone.com. Razer will not publicly disclose material that it receives or details about respondents, except to those persons with whom Razer is directly working to resolve this matter or as may be required by law."

The wheels are already in motion to find out the perpetrators, "We have filed the necessary reports and are currently working with the show management as well as law enforcement to address this issue."